After Sunday's long run of eight miles (my longest distance ever), I was worried about my foot. I iced it all day Sunday and wore my brace at night. Monday morning? It felt great! The brace is definitely helping. Only problem with it is that I'm not sleeping as well as I had been. There was one night that I didn't put it on tight enough and I experienced the pain in the morning, so now I've been waking up a lot at night wondering if it's tight enough. I've got to let it go.
This week is a step down week so I only had 3.5 miles today. I was a little faster today than I have been, but I also didn't feel as well running it. My hip and knee were bothering me, probably from overcompensating for the other foot. My breathing was an issue today too, couldn't get into a good rhythm. I kept wanting to give up and just do 2 miles, or just do 3 miles, but I pushed through it and did the required miles. I'm such a whiner, but like I said in the past... a lot of running is mental for me.
It was a beautiful day for a run today. It was 44 degrees and sunny... I hope it stays this way (or gets warmer). It makes it easier to run.
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