It's been a while and I've done two 5k races since I wrote last. The first one was really special to me for more than one reason. It was the Red Ribbon Run, which was my first 5k I ever ran, 2 years ago. When I did that race 2 years ago, my time was 40:16, and I ran it with a good friend of mine, who got me into running (love ya, girl!). This year, I was running it with my sister, her 2nd 5k ever, first without pushing a jogging stroller. Two days before our 34th birthday (yes, "our" birthday--we're twins), I got a PR on this race! My time was 29:26, which was a PR by 12 seconds! In two years, I took 11 minutes off my time. Sweet! I'm still pretty slow, but I don't even care about that anymore.
The next race was the following weekend. I wasn't even planning on running it, but it was a 5k that my work put on as a fundraiser for our charity we chose this year. It's a trail run and since I had done the RRR the week before, I was going to let hubby run this one while I stayed with the kids. Things turned out differently than planned and I was able to run. Surprisingly enough, my time was 30:33, which is amazing since it was a trail run. I was really happy with that time. It was fun too, since we had a costume contest and other happenings.
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