Well, training has been going fairly well. I have good runs and bad runs but I still consider myself getting back into it all. I can't believe how quickly I've increased the miles. I'll be up to 12 miles this weekend. I can't believe how quickly it's gone.
I got myself a new pair of shoes, since my Kinvaras will have over 300 miles by marathon time. I got the new Cortanas, but they are a 1/2 size bigger than what I usually wear. They seemed okay when I tried them on but when I attempted my 10 miler in them 2 weeks ago, my feet hurt so bad in them. I stopped running at 8 1/2 miles because it was cold and I turned into the wind (and I had been battling a cold). My plan was to just walk to catch my breath and start up again, but my feet hurt so bad in them that I couldn't start up again. After that, I went back to my Kinvaras since I know those are good.
This last weekend was an interesting run. It was a step down week for me, so I only had 7 miles on the schedule.Saturday was a free run with the Roadrunners group so Hubby and I went there. It was two 3.5 mile loops but it was about 18 degrees and had snowed all night and was going to continue to snow all day. It was a beautiful run, but definitely one that needed Yak Trax. I ran the first 3.5 miles with a friend, then was on my own for the second half. I made it and didn't get bored or overthink things too much. That's what gets me in trouble, thinking about how far I still have to go... I actually overdressed and had to take a layer off halfway through the run! Go figure, for 18 degrees out :)
My short runs are getting longer--2 3-milers during the week and a 6 miler. I'm beginning to really enjoy the runs though. We'll see what happens this weekend on the 12 miler. Hopefully I'll be able to handle it.
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