Let me just get that out of the way right away. I do not claim to be a runner... I merely claim to be a woman that happens to run. I think of a runner as someone who is obsessed with running and will do anything they can to find time to run and will find ways to improve running. A runner has all kinds of running gear and clothing. Me? If I have an excuse not to run, I won't do it. Running is my form of exercise. I'm a firm believer that to keep an exercise program going, it has to be something you enjoy doing. Right now, I enjoy running. That may change some day.
Today starts the official training for my half-marathon in May. I'm loving it so far... today is a rest day! See? If I was a runner, I'd be mad that the first day of training is a rest day. Not me... I wish there were more rest days! I'm glad today is a rest day. My knees are bothering me today. I don't know if it's the weather or not, but I think they need another day of rest (I did not run yesterday either). This week is not looking good for outdoor runs. We're supposed to get a lot of snow this week. Looks like it'll be either treadmill or indoor track running for me. Hopefully next weekend will cooperate for the long runs.
I'm getting nervous about this whole training thing. The daily runs and cross-training, I have no problem with. I've been running 3-5 days a week for a while now. It's the longer runs on the weekend that are starting to scare me. I did 3 1/2 miles on Saturday and I felt like I couldn't do anymore. I know I could have, because a lot of it is mind over matter, and having a plan and a route in place. I really wanted to complete 5 miles on Saturday but after 3 1/2, I was ready to be done. Maybe I need to work on my pace. There were times I thought I was going really, really slow but I'd look down at my Garmin and my pace was near 11:00/mi. Believe me, I'd like to be done with my runs faster, but if I'm going to finish a half-marathon, I'm going to have to slow it down a little. I'm thinking an 11:30 pace, might be good. I couldn't get myself to slow down either. Maybe the excitement of the race and having other people around will help me forget how I feel and help me get over this mental hump.
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