Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's Been a While

It's been way too long since I last posted... The weather around here has been so crazy. It's March and it's been 80 degrees already. Last night we had a frost warning, tomorrow it's going to be 75. Gotta love Ohio...

I got some new shoes, and I love them! They are Saucony Kinvara3, and I LOVE them! And they are purple, to boot! . These have more of a low-rise heel than the entry level running shoes I had before. I feel like I've graduated on to bigger and better things! I took them on their inaugural run the night I got them and did a short 2 miles. They felt great, so I did the next long run in them--10 miles. Awesome!

The next thing that I've done, that I'm pretty proud of is my long run. This last weekend I was not able to run with the girls that I've been training with so I had to run myself. I had 11 miles on the schedule so this was perfect. My 11 mile route that I did last year I felt like I failed. I ran the whole thing but had to stop several times. This was going to be my redemption run. The first 8 miles felt really great. The mental game was good and everything. I took a GU at 5 miles and at 8 miles the mental game started to get me. I knew I had a 5k to go and tried to psych myself up. It didn't work. I thought maybe I needed more than mental so I took another GU at 8.25 miles. At 9 miles I got back onto a trail that has been beating me up so that was part of the mental issues. Then the last obstacle was a steep uphill to get to the road. I kept telling myself I was going to walk it, then run at the top, further than I had planned. At the last minute I felt great enough to continue running up the hill and across the main road. After my watch beeped at 11 miles, I kept going. I was still 1/2 mile from home and on a busy road. I continued running to 11.25 miles and conquered the mileage by myself! I was so proud!

I'm glad I ran myself. I've been running with "the girls" but I don't plan on staying with them during the half marathon. I want to run my own race. Since I'd been training with them, I didn't know if I could run by myself this go 'round, but now I know I can!